Professor Eric M. Roberts
Head of Geosciences, College of Science and Engineering, JCU Ph.D. Geology University of Utah, USA; M.Sc. Geology University of Montana, USA; B.A. Geology & Environmental Studies Cornell College, USA. Primary supervisor for most of the Gravelmonkeys. Click Here for Eric's Research Page. |
Dr. Espen Knutsen
Senior Curator of Palaeontology at the Museum of Tropical Queensland Lecturer, Palaeontology, Geosciences, JCU Primary supervisor for some of the Gravelmonkeys Click here for Espen's Research Page |
Jess Robbins, PhD Candidate (2016-) - Supervisors Prof. Paul Dirks & Prof. Eric Roberts
Constraining the age and paleoenvironment of Homo naledi, Rising Star Cave, South Africa. Click here for more information. |
Kelly Heilbronn, PhD Candidate (2016-) - Primary Supervisor Dr. Carl Spandler
Establishing a tectonic framework for the eastern margin of Australia during the Jurassic: Sedimentary provenance, basin analysis and geodynamic modelling of the Queensland Plateau and Lord Howe Rise. B. Geology (Class I Honours), 2015 - James Cook University Click here for more information. |
Chris Yule, PhD Candidate (2017-) - Supervisors Dr. Eric Roberts & Dr. James Daniell
Seismic stratigraphy and petroleum systems of the Mentelle Basin, south west Western Australia B. Science (Adv.) Geology (Class 1 Honours). 2016 - James Cook University Click here for more information. |
Michal Wenderlich, PhD Candidate (2017-) - Supervisors Dr. James Daniell & Eric Roberts
Cenozoic Seismic Stratigraphy of the Great Barrier Reef Bachelor of Geology (Class I Honours) - James Cook University Click here for more information. |
Elliot Foley, PhD Candidate (2018-) - Primary Supervisor Dr. Eric Roberts
Sedimentology, stratigraphy, and tectonic reconstruction of the northern Great Australian Superbasin MSc. Integrated Petroleum Geoscience (2017) - University of Aberdeen, UK. BSc. Geology (2016) - University College Cork, Ireland Editor, Gravelmonkeys Research Page (2020-) Click here for more information. |
Theresa Orr, PhD Candidate (2018-) - Primary Supervisor Dr. Eric Roberts
Classification and morphology of selected Cretaceous, Paleogene and Neogene paleosols in the Rukwa Rift Basin, southwestern Tanzania. Reconstruction of the Oligocene paleoenvironment and paleoclimate using paleosol horizons BSc. Geology (Class I Honours), 2017 - James Cook University Click here for more information. |