Hi, I'm a current honors student from James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia. My research interests include palaeontology, taphonomy and palaeo-environments. My current honors project involves the study of Holocene Brachyurids from local water- ways in Townsville, Hinchinbrook Island and the Daly River in the Northern Territory. The specific Brachyurids I am working on include Macrophthalmus latreillei, Thalassina anomala and Scylla serrata. A working title of my thesis below:
Taphonomy and Systematic Palaeontology and of Holocene Decapoda (Decapoda: Macrophthalmus latreillei, Decapoda: Thalassina anomala & Decapoda: Scylla serrata) from Townsville, North-eastern Australia
My thesis discusses systematics, biomineralisation and fossil diagenesis, palaeo-environment and age of a group of relatively unknown Australian fossils. What is really fascinating about my project is that this study aims to develop an understanding of processes and conditions associated with fossil concretions from the Holocene and improve upon the base of knowledge of local fossilised decapod species; both of which are poorly understood.
Below are a few rough photos from my fossil collection housed at JCU, Townsville.
An example of Macrophthalmus latreillei from the Ross River, Townsville. This sample is typical of the extent of concretion formation; which, is to say negligible. This sample has beautifully preserved features making it easy to classify taxonomically. The only thing missing is the setae typical of this species.
A well preserved fossil Thalassinid from the Daly River, Northern Territory. The tergum are beautifully preserved and the chelae look awesome. This specimen represents some of the best preserved material in the collection and represents other Thalassinid samples from the Alligator Creek area, Townsville.
An example of a female Scylla serrata from the Ross River catchment Townsville. This is the only sample diagnostic of Scylla serrata in the collection aside from a rather large claw.
If you are interesting in any aspect of my research or just fancy a look at some really awesome fossil material, I can be contacted at: